The National Service Scheme (NSS) is a government-run community service program in India that aims to promote voluntary service and social responsibility among young people. It is run by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports and is implemented through universities, colleges, and other educational institutions across the country.

Personality development is one of the potential outcomes of participating in the National Service Scheme (NSS) or other community service programs. Through their involvement in community service, young people can develop various personal skills and qualities that can help them to grow as individuals.

For example, volunteering and working with others on community projects can help young people to develop leadership skills, teamwork skills, communication skills, and problem-solving skills. It can also help them to develop their confidence, self-esteem, and sense of responsibility.

Additionally, participating in community service can provide young people with a sense of purpose and meaning in life, as they are able to contribute to the betterment of their communities and make a positive impact on the lives of others. This can lead to personal growth and development as individuals learn more about themselves and their own strengths and abilities.

National Service Scheme has two types of programmes – Regular Activities and Special Camping Programmes. Students enrolled as NSS Volunteers are expected to work in the scheme for a period of two years and also participate in Special Camping Programmes of 7 days duration. NSS volunteer undertake various activities in campus adopted, villages and slumps for community service. Duration of these service is 120 hours. In regular NSS programmes students undertake various activities in the college campuses, adopted villages, cities and slums during weekends. Special Camping Programme is a camp of seven days duration in adopted places and it provides unique opportunities to the students for group living, collective experience sharing, sharing responsibilities, addressing various developmental issues of regional and national importance and constant interaction with the community. 50 percentage NSS volunteers are expected to participate in these camps.


The main objectives of the NSS are:

  • To inculcate the spirit of community service in young people and to promote social harmony and national integration.
  • To provide young people with opportunities to work for the welfare of the community and to develop their leadership skills.
  • To promote the feeling of national pride and patriotism among young people.
  • To provide opportunities for young people to interact with people from different social and cultural backgrounds and to learn from their experiences.
  • To provide young people with opportunities to engage in various social and cultural activities and to develop their communication and interpersonal skills.
  • To provide young people with opportunities to engage in environmental and ecological activities and to promote the conservation of natural resources.

Overall, the NSS aims to empower young people to become responsible and active citizens who contribute to the development of their communities and the nation.

Activity Reports

  1. Report 2017-18
  2. Report 2016-17
  3. Report 2015-16